Runic Games ist am besten für ihren Diablo-Konkurrenten Torchlight bekannt, der es aber nie auf Konsolen geschafft.

Mit ihrem neuesten Machwerk namens Hob wollen sie nun eine märchenhafte Welt sowohl auf den PC als auch auf die PlayStation 4 und Xbox One bringen. Bei dem Spiel handelt es sich um eine Mischung aus Action-Adventure und Puzzle-Spiel, in dem der Spieler durch eine düstere Welt wandern muss, die brutaler ist, als sie auf den ersten Blick wirkt. Wie diese Mischung aussieht, könnt ihr im folgenden Trailer euch einmal genauer zu Gemüte führen und danach folgt die offizielle, englische Beschreibung von Hob.

Hob is an exploration adventure set on an unknown world that’s lush and alive. Wind blows through the grasses, flowers bloom as you walk by, and the mysterious sprites wink in and out of existence. In spite of this pastoral setting, violence lurks in hidden places.

As a player, you are dropped straight into this world without any text, backstory, or dialog. Creating an immersive experience is important to us; the story will reveal itself as you play, rewarding your exploration with bits of the narrative puzzle. There’s a deep and satisfying story to Hob, but you’ll have to play it to unravel the secret.

Very early in the game, you suffer a crippling attack by the rogue life infecting the landscape. This seeming tragedy actually jump-starts your abilities of traversal, combat, and upgrades. A new metal arm lets you use magnetic fields as a grappling hook, transforms into a shield, and allows you to pull and push the actual building blocks of the world into place. World-shifting is a core feature of Hob. As you re-align the world into its intended use, entire new play areas, previously unreachable, are fixed and unlocked.

You can think of our world as a Rubik’s cube collapsed on itself. Working out the puzzles allows you to access new areas that either lie dormant or are perhaps overrun with rogue life. This shifting will also affect the areas you’ve already explored, and things will probably be different when you go back to look.

At its heart, Hob is a mystery of who you really are. Not only are you alone and possibly the only one of your kind, but also you’re the only character who can affect the shape and purpose of the world.