NIS America hat vor einiger Zeit bestätigt, dass sie ihr Publishing-Portfolio um bestimmte Genres erweitern möchten, denen sie zuvor eher wenig Beachtung geschenkt haben.

Passend dazu wurde nun angekündigt, dass sie in Europa bei der Veröffentlichung der PlayStaton 4-Version des episodischen Stealth-Abenteuers République helfen werden. In dem Spiel übernimmt man die Rolle von Hope, einer jungen Frau, die in einem totalitären Staat gefangen gehalten wird. Nach einem Hacker-Angriff auf das Regime befindet sie sich in einer Verfolgungsjagd, an dessen Ende ihre Freiheit steht. Bisher ist République nur für den PC und mobile Endgeräte erschienen. Auf der Konsole wird der Titel in einem Komplettpaket mit allen fünf Episoden gegen Anfang des Jahres erscheinen.

Wie République in Aktion aussieht, erfahrt ihr in dem folgenden Trailer der PC-Fassung. Weitere Informationen findet ihr in dem nachfolgenden Ausschnitt der offiziellen Pressemitteilung.

Now that République is on PS4™, players can finally take full control of Hope, a young woman held captive inside Metamorphosis, a shadowy totalitarian state ruled by the omnipresent Overseer. By hacking into this secret nation's elaborate surveillance network, players and Hope begin a treacherous and thrilling journey to freedom.
Seattle-based Camouflaj developed the game and has received numerous awards including “Excellence in Storytelling” from the International Mobile Gaming Awards (IMGA). With a 87 percent Steam user rating, République’s reviews have been positive.
Although it was previously limited to PC and mobile, now PS4™ players can look forward to experiencing the entire season—including the fifth and final episode—in one complete package.

Language Info:
Audio in English.
Text in English, French, German, Spanish, and Russian!

Key Features:
Hacking Gameplay – Throughout the game, Hope will seek the player’s support to help her escape and protect her in the process by gaining control of any network-enabled devices and overcoming puzzle scenarios along the way. Players can hack into security cameras, power down lights, wiretap calls, summon elevators, and slam doors on Hope’s pursuers.

Engaging StoryRépublique is more than a stealth-action game. By creating a gameplay system that drives the symbiotic relationship between Hope and the player, players become more engaged as Hope’s protector. Aside from the main story, players can help Hope collect banned books, cassette tapes, and other unique items that will further immerse players in this futuristic dystopian world.

Developer PedigreeRépublique is developed by a team of veterans in the industry who worked behind AAA games such as Metal Gear Solid, Halo, F.E.A.R., and cutting edge videos such as the Skyrim television spot and iconic iPod “silhouette” ads. Players will also be able to eavesdrop on interactive developer commentary while playing the game.