Erst vor zwei Tagen haben wir von einem Teaser zu einem neuen Spiel von Insomniac Games berichtet, die maßgeblich bei Sony-Fans für Ratchet & Clank oder Spyro bekannt sind.

Jetzt kooperieren sie mit dem Videospiel-Händler GameStop, der zum ersten Mal ein eigenes Spiel vertreiben wird. Dieser Titel hört auf den Namen Song of the Deep und ist ein Metroidvania mit Unterwasser-Setting. Das Spiel soll im Sommer zumindest in Nordamerika für die PlayStation 4, Xbox One sowie dem PC erscheinen. Die Geschichte handelt von einem jungen Mädchen in einem U-Boot, das auf der Suche nach ihrem verschollenen Vater ist. Spielerisch soll der Titel die typischen Elemente eines Metroidvanias mit einem Unterwasser-Abenteuer verbinden. Bisher ist noch nicht bekannt, wann und ob der Titel auch in Deutschland erscheinen wird. Weitere Infos und auch einen Trailer findet ihr im Folgenden:


Song of the Deep is a metroidvania-style action-adventure game following a young girl’s quest into the unknown to find her missing father. Combining discovery, skill, and suspense with an unforgettable narrative, this underwater journey will challenge players to explore, experiment, and skillfully navigate a vast ocean landscape. Song of the Deep launches on PS4, Xbox One, and PC this summer, 2016.


A passion project inspired by the daughter of Insomniac Games Chief Creative Officer Brian Hastings, Song of the Deep has a simple and compelling message: no matter who you are, you have the ability to overcome adversity when you don’t give up.


Merryn waits all night for her father to return from his fishing voyage. He never does. After a vivid dream showing her father trapped under the sea, Merryn is determined to save him. This unlikely heroine builds a small submarine from spare parts and sets off to rescue him. Along the way, she’ll make friends, discover lost civilizations and ruins, and upgrade her submarine to explore even deeper. The terrain and monsters of the deep are daunting, but Merryn’s courage, intelligence, and love for her father will help her overcome adversity.

Key Features

Set in a gorgeous underwater world, players take on the role of Merryn in her quest to find her father. With a rickety submarine, Merryn will explore the vast ocean depths in this side-scrolling Metroidvania-style adventure game. Song of the Deep delivers unique gameplay in a tale of love, heartbreak, and triumph.

  • Explore a fantastic non-linear interactive underwater world, from ruins to boneyards to gardens. Every corner of the ocean offers a new surprise.
  • Upgrade your submarine with new abilities to access new areas of the sea, and combine your abilities in surprising ways like catching a torpedo with your claw arm.
  • Outwit, outmaneuver, and battle creatures along the way, from lantern jellies to giant bosses.
  • Experience an unforgettable journey: A powerful tale about a daughter defying impossible odds to search for her father.