Seit gestern ist bekannt, Ratalakia Games und Ametist Studio arbeiten an einem actionreichen Plattformer, namens Within the Blade für PlayStation 4 und 5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch und PC.

Das Entwicklerstudio beschreibt Within the Blade als sogenannten Stealth-Plattformer mit Rollenspiel-Elementen. Neben den für Ninja typischen Kampfelementen, können außerhalb des Kampfgeschehens neue Waffen gebaut und Fähigkeiten erlernt werden. Auch erfahrene Spieler:innen sollen auf ihre Kosten kommen.

Full on assault!

WTB has many distinguishing and unique features with its simplistic presentation offering detailed pixel art animations, ninjas galore fighting to their death, crafting of weapons and a whole lot more to present an ongoing challenge that will please and entice even the best of players. Importantly elements such as random level generation, crafting, skill trees are all part of a great mixture of ideas and interesting implementation.

Setting the Scene

A Japanese Daime named Mamoru Imai summons demons to join his army, but darkness takes over his body and demons wreak havoc in the country. The player starts in the village “Black Lotus” and sensei sends him on the next mission. After each mission, the player returns to the village (Hub location) and here the player can take a break, craft, trade, inventory management, Sensei can learn new skills and get a new task.

Boss Battle!

To complete this eventful and compelling challenge the player will traverse through 5 game acts, each act including 5 levels, along with some fearsome and confrontational bosses with the aim of completing the 25 levels and defeating all the Bosses! Along with the player’s main objective, of surviving, fighting and progression – each level has additional tasks, completing them the player receives additional experience and money.

WTB can best be described as a platformer with stealth elements not forgetting a quantity of RPG elements.

Within the Blade erscheint am 16. Juli für sämtliche Konsolen und PC.